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�������� � �������� ���� �� �.�.�. (�� ��������� ����):
Chapter 1: Economic Freedom of the World,
2000, including Appendix: Explanatory Notes and Data Sources, by James
Gwartney and Robert Lawson
Chapter 2: Index of Patent Rights, by Walter
G. Park and Smita Wagh
Chapter 3: International Tax Competition,
by Chris Edwards and Veronique de Rugy
Country Data Tables: Introduction and
Albania to Czech Republic
Country Data Tables: Denmark to Jordan
Country Data Tables: Kenya to Portugal
Country Data Tables: Romania to Zimbabwe
Press coverage
������ �� ��������������
������� � �������� 2002
�� �������������� ������� � �������� 2003
�� �������������� ������� 2004 (������ ������� �� ��������� ������)